1. Control Procedure
- a. All library user’s must present their
Library Card upon entering the library
- b. Outside researches must present their
ID/L.C. and referral letter from the institution where they are enrolled/affiliated.
- c. Library users must leave
their bags, big envelopes and folders, and personal books on the depository
shelf in the entrance. They must bring them inside the library their valuables
(i.e. money, cell phone, calculators)
- Library cards are
issued to new students upon presentation of their registration form and two
pieces 1x1 ID picture.
- Library Cards of
old students are validated every semester/summer term upon presentation of
their registration forms. Validation of Library cards ends three (3) weeks
after the enrollment period.
- L.C. is valid for
only the current semester/summer term and non-transferrable.
- L.C. must
surrendered by all graduating students and by those who are going to transfer
to other school upon clearance time ( during final examination )A lost L.C. must
be reported immediately to the library staff. A student who lost his/her L.C.
is required to fill up the Certificate of Loss and Replacement Form and has to
submit one (1) piece 1 x 1 ID picture.
- L.C. replacement will be issued three
(3) working days after.
Fines and Penalties
For library
- Fines are imposed to borrowers
for books not returned on its due date at rate of P2.00 per hour (Reserve
Books) and P5.00 per day (Circulation Books), excluding Sundays and holidays.
- Users who borrow
books and other library materials for photocopying purposes are allowed to keep
the books for 30 minutes to 1hour, beyond which a fine of P2.00 per hour will
be charged.
- Users with
unsettled accounts temporarily lose borrowing privileges.
- Name users with
unsettled accounts shall be posted in the publication of overdue notices in the
library’s bulletin boar.
- For any damaged
materials, if irreparable, the borrower is given one (1) week to repair the
damaged book.
- If the
damage of the books is irreparable, or if the book is lost, the borrower has
the option to replace the item with its latest edition/copyright or pay the
full current price and processing fee equivalent to 10 percent of the current
price but not Less than Php50.00.
- Fines maybe
ceased upon the request of the borrower concerned, after he/she reports a lost
- No clearance will
be signed until fines and other library accountabilities are settled.
For Unvalidated or Lost Library Cards:
- Users will
invalidated library cards are not allowed to borrow library materials. A fine
of P15.00 will be charged for those with invalidated ones.
- A fine of P15.00 will be
charged for replacement for the lost library card.
Mutilation of Library Materials
- Mutilation of library materials is an
offensive penalized by a fine not less than P100.00/pages of a book or
periodical. In addition, Library privileges will be suspended for the rest of
the semester.
of Library Materials
- The erring party will referred to the OSS
chair for the corresponding disciplinary action.
- The penalty for a student who has forged
the librarian’s signature for the purpose of setting account from the library
or for clearance purpose is suspension of library privileges for the next
school term. The erring party will likewise be referred to the OSS Chair for
further disciplinary action.
of Library Rules and Regulations
- Students who fail to observe the rules and
regulations shall be referred to the OSS Chair for necessary action.
Borrowing Library Materials:
- Books in this section can be borrowed
anytime during library hours. Undergraduate students are allowed to keep the
books for two (2) days and one (1) week for graduate students. A maximum of
three (3) books with different titles are allowed to be borrowed which can be
renewed up to three (3) times provided the books are not in demand by other
users. Fiction books can be borrowed for one (1) week.
Steps in Borrowing:
- User locates the book/s
to be borrowed from the shelves and brings them together with his/her library
card to the charging desk.
- He/she then pulls
out the book card from the book pocket, fills it out, writes the book card from
the book pocket, fills it out writes the call number and accession number in
the L.C. and presents them to the i-charge.
- In-charge stamps
the date of the book due, indicates his/her initial, and returns the L.C. to
the user.
User takes the
borrowed library materials/s.
- In-charge keeps
the book card/s of borrowed library materials and files them alphabetically by
family names of main author and by title if author is not available.
- Reserve books may be borrowed anytime
during library hours to be read inside the library premises only or to be
photocopied. For overnight use they can be borrowed at 4:00 P.M from Monday to
Friday and Saturday at 11:00 A.M. and are due before 8:00 A.M. the following
day except Sunday. Only one (1) book is allowed to be borrowed.
Steps in
- User requests from the
in-charge the book to be borrowed.
- For the next steps, please refer steps 2 to
5 of borrowing circulation books.
Filipiniana, Reference, Serials:
- Materials in these sections are to be read
inside the library only but may be borrowed for photocopying.
Materials for Photocopying:
- Photocopying of materials is allowed thirty
(30) minutes before the closing time of the library. Users are given thirty
(30) minutes to one (1) hour for the materials to be photocopied. They are
allowed to photocopy two (2) books/serials at the same time.
Steps in Borrowing Library
Materials for Photocopying
- User gets the
material to be borrowed for photocopying from the section where it is shelved
except for materials in the reserve section where one has to request it from
the in-charge.
- He/she brings the
material to be borrowed together with his/her library card to the charging
desk, fills out the book card and photocopying slip and presents them to the
User takes the borrowed
library material/s.
- In-charge inserts
the book card in the user’s L.C. and files the L.C alphabetically by the user’s
family names.
Returning Library Materials
- The following steps need to be observed in
returning library materials:
circulation and reserve books
- User presents
his/her L.C. and the borrowed book at the counter.
- Library staff
stamps in the L.C. the date when the book is returned, indicates his/her
initial and checks if the book is overdue or not.
- If the is returned on
time, Library Staff will return the L.C. to the user, if otherwise, the user
needs to pay the computed fines first before his/her L.C. is returned.
- In returning
materials borrowed for photocopying, the following are to be observed:
User returns the
material or borrowed at the counter.
- If the book is returned
on time, Library Staff will return the L.C. to the user, if otherwise, the user
needs to pay the computed fines first before his/he L.C. is returned.
- A faculty
member is expected to buy his/her own book. However, he/she is allowed to
borrow a maximum of ten (10) titles of books in semester depending on the type
of materials needed and the number of copies available on the shelves.
Materials with single copy can be borrowed only for one (1) week provide no
other users are in need of them. Only books with two or more copies on the
shelves can be borrowed for the period of one (1) semester. Borrowed books are
subject to recall anytime if other users are in need of them.
- When assigning certain
readings to their classes, faculty members must check first if the books are
available in the library. The library staff must be informed ahead of time so
as to prepare the materials and place them in the reserve section.
- An authorization letter
is required for faculty members who request somebody to borrow library
materials on his/her behalf.
- Clearances will
only be signed upon returning all borrowed library materials may be done
provided no other users are in need of them.
- For damaged and
lost books, 3.1 e & f of Library Rules and regulations for students will
- Outside
researchers who want to avail of the services of the library are required to
pay an amount as approved by the Library Committee. Researchers from
institutions with which the library has a consortium are required to pay based
on the agreed amount as stipulated in the Memorandum of Agreement.
- They are not
allowed to borrow resources for home use but for inside reading only.
Photocopying of materials is allowed except for those in the Unpublished
Materials Section.
- Electronic
Library (e-lib) – composed of computer units with internet accesses that
provide electronic information through internet, CD-ROM’s etc. it also provides
printing for searched topics.
- Student must sign in the logbook first before using the
- Student must inform immediately the e-lib-in-charge of
malfunctioning of the computer(s).
- Transferring from one computer to another is not allowed.
- Changing
the computer’s configuration is not allowed, such as: changing wall papers,
putting screen savers, renaming icons, changing the settings, getting into
control panel, and removing the devices from the device manager.
- Opening
pornographic web sites is strictly prohibited.
- Students doing other
jobs not related to e-library and which cause the malfunctioning of the
computer(s) are subject for disciplinary actions.
- Unruly
behavior (such as: shouting, cursing, eating, drinking, roaming around) is not
- No
companion is allowed/only one user per computer unit is allowed.